30 % CBD oil 10 ml 3000mg

CBD and MCT oils

  • Plants have invaluable beneficial effects and positive influence on the human body.

    They are used in the production of cosmetics, medicines and dietary supplements. These include oils extracted from specific plants, which undergo appropriate processes in order to obtain a product with a liquid consistency and retain all of its qualities and properties. Our offer includes two oils:

CBD oilCBD is an organic compound from the cannabinoid group, which is found in high concentration in cannabis. It is extracted through a CO2 extraction, cold-pressed method, or alcohol process and then dissolved in hemp oil. CBD, unlike THC, does not have any psychoactive properties. CBD oil UK is a 100% legal substance.

MCT oil – is a fat that is classified as a medium chain fatty acid. It is a saturated fat, but differs in properties and absorption pathway from other fatty acids that fall into this category. It does not raise cholesterol and therefore does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. MCT oil is usually extracted from coconut oil and palm oil.  

Properties of CBD oil

Certainly, CBD oil has very versatile effects and health properties. How long the body reacts to it depends on our individual predispositions. For some, we will notice changes moments after its use, and for some much later. CBD is a strong antioxidant, so it reduces oxidative stress, which is the effect of free radicals. It thus slows down the ageing process of tissues and cells. It is also a good product for colds and allergies. CBD oil shows immunological effects and stimulates the body’s natural immunity.

CBD oil also has a positive effect on the human nervous system. It alleviates stress and ailments related to depressive and anxiety states. It is excellent for people struggling with insomnia and problems with falling asleep. It is used by people who want to get rid of excess weight and skin problems. CBD is easy to consume as well.

There are also many studies confirming the positive effects of CBD on the process of fighting cancer. It prevents the growth of cancer cells and destroys already existing ones. In that case benefits of CBD may be really gratifying.

CBD products are completely safe and lab tested so CBD users can rest assured.


Benefits of MCT oil

It is an oil which has been appreciated above all by athletes and people on losing weight. This is directly related to the action and influence of use MCT oil on our body. It carries energy benefits, it is a source of fast and easily absorbable energy. This is conditioned by the rate of absorption of oil on the level of absorption of simple carbohydrates.
In addition, it protects against the loss of muscle mass. For this reason, it is used by athletes practicing endurance sports, in which there is a high risk of losing muscle mass.

MCT oil also supports the activity of intestinal bacteria, which are responsible for a significant degree of the body’s immunity. It is a source of energy not only for the body, but also for the brain, supporting thought processes. It effectively improves the condition of our skin. It is excellent for dryness, imperfections and wrinkles and other signs of skin ageing. MCT oil is also credited with stabilising blood glucose, which reduces the risk of metabolic diseases.

Take care of yourself, your health and your appearance – naturally, safely and effectively! Also check more facts about CBD

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